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Summer School

Assessment of agriculture GHGs with process-based models


Venue: University College Dublin, Dublin 04, Ireland


  • Fundamentals of biogeochemical processes occurring in agroecosystems and the resultant C and N emissions.

  • Capacity development for data collection, compilation and synthesis for modelling and reporting.

  • Hands-on training on the process-based model DNDC for simulation of greenhouse gases & SOC density changes.

  • Practical experience in the analysis of model outputs and their uses in own research works.


  • Dr. Ibrahim Khalil, Prudence College Dublin, Ireland

  • Prof. Bruce Osborne, University College Dublin, Ireland

  • Prof. Ana Meijde, University of Bonn,Germany

  • Prof. Peter Dörsch, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norway

  • Prof. Mari Philatie, University of Helsinki, Finland

  • Dr. Katja Klumpp, National Research Institute for Agriculture, France

  • Dr. Frank Verheijen, University of Aveiro, Portugal


Delivered by: Prudence College Dublin, Dublin 22, Ireland.


Organasid by: TrueSoil: A Transnational Project funded by EJP Soil Through National Funding Agencies


For further information please contact: Dr. Ibrahim Khalil +353 85 785 9546 or

July 31

2nd GEH Call: deadline for pre-registration of proposals

September 12

Breakfast Club 18