Coordination of national research programmes on Agri-Food and Biotechnology

The Green ERA-Hub started in September 2022 and will run untill August 2026

The Green ERA-Hub (GEH) Coordination and Support Action under Horizon Europe (HEU), brings together all relevant ongoing and self-sustaining networks; (including ERA-Nets and European Joint Programme Cofund) in the Agri-food and biotechnolgy sector. The Hub thus represents a large part of Europe's national ministries, funders and research institutes within these themes. The networks provide transnational co-programming of national research priorities and funding, organising joint scientific research, knowledge valorisation and science-policy dialogue activities.

The objective of the GEH is to maintain, use and strengthen the established knowledge, networks and resources, and to play a bridging role in the setting up of partnerships under Horizon Europe. Specific ambitions include developing a strategic roadmap, strengthening expertise in the themes, organising new calls for proposals and maintaining, sharing and strengthening knowledge in joint transnational research programming. Explicitly, the GEH wants to contribute to preparations for HEU partnerships.

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Our research teams

  • Agriculture

    Sustainable primary production are about encouraging efficient resource management, making animals and plants healthier and adopting ecological approaches from farm to landscape levels.

  • Food

    Sustainable food systems are about making our food production system fairer, more sustainable and respectful to the environment and reconciling what we eat with the needs of the planet.

  • Biotechnology

    Sustainable biotechnology systems is about renewable biological resources from land and sea, like crops, forests, fish, animals and micro-organisms to produce food, materials and energy.

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